Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Home Depot and Rough Sketch

first thing's first... hello from africa!!!!

ok so dana, i'm sure, already blogged all of this but i'll do my part and share as well. we took a trip to home depot to get an official budget to present to indi hall. we decided on the type of primer and paint we are going to use, but figured it would be better to have a sketch before we chose color swatches. we also decided on masonite panels and chose which woods we were going to use as braces and hangers. turns out our budget is about $200 for supplies, be we're hoping to factor in an extra $50-$75 for unforseen costs (extra rollers or brushes, extra paint if we run low, hardware, ect.). so for us, that was definitely a productive trip. last i heard, dana was going to type out an itimized budget sheet and send it out to be aproved, but that was before i left so i'm not sure how that worked out.

i did a sketch which i thought incorporated the ideas that they wanted: the starfish and the spider, and the idea of it being philly-centric. this sketch is super rough but it's a start towards somewhere.

while i'm away i'll be doing more sketches and also looking for murals and cave paintings here, which i'll do my best to have posted for next weeks class!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Meeting with Indy Hall

Exciting First Post!!!

So Dana and I had our first meeting with Independents Hall yesterday. We decided on our workspace, took measurements, and also got some ideas for possible content and color schemes that would work well with the company and fit visually in the space. It was definitely a productive hour, however we had to give up on our idea of using stiffened clothing or bodies in our piece. The area that we chose requires a piece no larger than 5' in height, and it would be too awkward to make bodies work compositionally. We're thinking now of using more traditional painting mediums. So right now we're just sketching and coming up with more concrete ideas. We also need to price out construction and get back to the company with a solid budget to be approved. But I think we're in a good place right now and hopefully Dana and I will still be able to have some communication, and also plans of what I can be doing to help us keep moving forward, while I'm away.